AI医療センター|診療科・部門のご紹介|大阪大学医学部附属病院 (
Further forging links between the AIDE and the AI hospital projects
On February 16th, Beverley Yamamoto and Kazuto Kato, PI and Co-PI of the AIDE project on the Japan side gave a short presentation focusing on the role of the Patient and Public Involvement Panel (PPIP) to members of the Artificial Intelligence Center for Medical Research and Application Core Member Meeting and the Osaka University Hospital AI Hospital Project Committee.
There was considerable interest shown by committee members in our project and will continue to exchange information and work together.
More details of the AI Hospital Project at Osaka University can be found at the following URLs.
AI center for medical research and application:
Artificial Intelligence Center for Medical Research and Application (AIM)|Guide for Visitors|Osaka University Hospital (
Outline of AI Hospital System, Osaka University Hospital: